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PE & Sports

Physical Education Intent

At Weeke, our key aim is to inspire EVERY child to be passionate and enjoy Physical Education and

Sport.  At Weeke, we believe that Physical Education and sport can be for everyone! PE is at the heart of our school and we aim to educate students and promote a love for PE, Sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle that continues throughout their lives.

Our inclusive ‘sports for all’ approach ensures that all children are involved in at least 90 minutes of physical activity a week and have the opportunity to join a range of after school clubs provided by the school. They can also represent the school in external fixtures, festivals or tournaments. The ‘sports for all’ approach promotes a love and enthusiasm in physical activity, it helps every child find a sport/physical activity they enjoy. During all PE lessons, we highlight our key sports values at Weeke: resilience, teamwork, enthusiasm and attitude whilst also providing all children with knowledge of rules and ways to improve as individuals, as a team and increase competence.

Alongside promoting the importance of physical activity, we also share and discuss inspirational athletes, past and present, to demonstrate that sport is for everyone. We also celebrate our children’s sporting success in assemblies and on our ‘Sport At Weeke’ display board.

There are wide ranges of opportunities for the children to participate and represent the school in sports, including fixtures against other schools, festivals, tournaments and inter-house competitions. We also provide swimming, kayaking and rock climbing lessons as well as a range of adventurous activities on residential. We hope with the range of opportunities provided at Weeke, we inspire the next Leah Williamson, Beth Mead, Dina Asher-Smith, Sir Chris Hoy or Harry Kane

Physical Education Implementation

Our PE lessons at Weeke have been devised from the Primary PE Planning Online Platform. They allow for a consistent delivery and structure across the school. We have developed the planning so that progression is built into the scheme (an exciting learning journey from Early Years through to KS2). This ensures our children are challengedinspired and motivated in ALL PE lessons.

We believe that mastery is paramount allowing ALL children to feel confident and motor competent when learning key skillsThe curriculum provides a foundation from Early Years to Key 2 for an ongoing development of Physical Literacy. Our children receive an inclusive, broad and balanced programme of PE. Our pupils will revisit PE skills and knowledge in order to embed and deepen their understanding.

The curriculum has been designed to ensure that children participate in a wide range of activities. We ensure that external coaching organisations and visiting experts enhance the learning experiences for the children, providing an immersive and exciting curriculum. A range of extra-curricular activities are offered, allowing children to further embed their skills and knowledge. These are either lunchtime or afterschool clubs run by teachers or by external coaches. E.g. cross-country running club, dance, karate, football, rugby, cricket, dodgeball, netball and basketball. Many children go on to join local clubs and play a greater role in our local community, for example a large number of our children are members of the local football, rugby and dance clubs.

Weeke also have Sports Captains, who complete an application and present to senior leadership and PE subject leaders as to why they would make a good Sports Captain. Then children are selected by senior leadership team and PE Subject leaders, who organise and manager inter-house sporting and playground activities. These activities are open to all children and provide opportunities for them to be physically active during their break times. 

The Sports Captain's complete a 6-week training program which prepare them to organise and run a wide range of activities across all year groups. At the end of the 6-week training program, they will be award with the ‘playmaker’ qualification.  As well as organising and running inter-house competitions at Weeke, our Sports Captains have the opportunity in the summer term to showcase what they have learnt at another local school. 

Sports Captain - Cross School Opportunities

 At Weeke Primary School, we believe in the importance children having the opportunity to self-assess after each lesson, this is facilitated by our progress-o-meters, which allow for pupils to assess their own and others’ progress in the lesson. These assessments help the pupils focus on what they can do and how they can improve.

The Progress-o-meters also enable teachers to assess the pupils' progress in each lesson.  Pupils can be recorded as the following:

  • Working towards
  • At expected
  • Above expected
  • Most able

The above are also linked to the ‘steps to success’ developed for a Teaching and Learning scaffold, incorporated within every lesson framework. They also incorporate the National Curriculum attainment targets for each year. In short, the Progress-o-meter creates an individual pupil profile of attainment.  

PE Curriculum Overview

Progress O-Meter Example

Hard to read? Why not look at some examples below.

Our planning is structured through the shortmedium and long terms:

Short-term lesson plans provide children with the opportunity to develop their skills, develop/build on knowledge & understanding while challenging all abilities. We strongly believe motor competence is key. Children are given clear learning goals and expectations. The lessons allow for feedback, self/peer assessment through our progress-ometers. The children are also able to develop cognitive skills such as decision-making and analysis of performance. Many lessons also have accompanying videos that model powerful demonstrations and through these, the children develop a picture of what success looks like and can focus towards it.

Medium term planning provides an overview of each unit - it incorporates PE assessment criteria, physical, thinking, social and emotional key skills, cross-curricular links and aspects of health and safety. With every unit of work, we have the PPP progression of key skills documents and knowledge organisers.  The knowledge organisers provide an overview of prior learning and highlight key terminology, rules and skills. Incorporated within each unit is the second pillar of progression: Rules strategies and tactics that can be through competition, personal bests and teamwork.

Long term planning is created through a curriculum map; this is devised through collaboration with colleagues. We also ensure pupil voice, through questionnaires and individual feedback is valued. We also link with topic areas, creating strong cross-curricular links. Connective planning also incorporates seasonal, local, national and global events including, for example, SGO competitions, Wimbledon, World Cups, amongst many others.

Physical Education Impact

PE is an essential part of the curriculum and through our PE lessons children develop their physical literacy and key skills giving them the tools to become physically confident and motor competent.  Our High-Quality PE curriculum focuses on the whole child, developing their physical, social and thinking skills. Our PE is provided in a safe and supportive environment and is vital and unique in its contribution to a child’s physical and emotional development and health and wellbeing.

We provide opportunities for the children to compete against themselves and others during PE lessons, building character and developing key values including fair play, respect, communication, collaboration, commitment, leadership and teamwork. There are also a range of opportunities for all children to represent the school in external competitions and festivals.

Our school aims are linked to those in line with the PE national curriculum, which are to ensure that all children:

  • Develop competence in a broad range of physical activities
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Understand how to improve in different physical activities and sports and know how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
  • Lead healthy, active lives

The ‘Three pillars of progression’ are embedded throughout our curriculum:

These include:

  1. Motor competence – knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport- and physical activity-specific
  2. Rules, strategies and tactics – knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities
  3. Healthy participation – knowledge of safe and effective participation

When pupils leave Weeke Primary School, they will have an appreciation and basic understanding of the benefits of a physical and healthy lifestyle and be equipped with the skills and knowledge to participate in a range of physical activities and sports. This applies to competitive and non-competitive activities.

What do our pupils think of PE?

We are extremely proud of our children and the engagement they have in PE. We feel it neccessary that we capture children's opinions and views of PE.

2023 PE Pupil Voice

What next for our pupils?

A proportion of our children in Year 6 go on to our local secondary school - Henry Beaufort. We work closely with our secondary schools to support the best possible transition not only for the whole children but to ensure their successful curriculum journey continues. This includes curriculum opportunties where we visit the school or we have specialist teachers come to teach our children key knowledge, skills and understanding.

To gain a further understanding of the next step in our children's learning journey please visit Henry Beauforts curriculum pages. Here you will see how the Primary curriculum at Weeke enables the children to continue to make progress in given subjects.

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