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    Well-Being & Mental Health

    At Weeke Primary school we know and understand that in order for our children to learn, thrive and be part of a successful community we need to mindful of our own abilities and limitations. Alongside this we want our children to understand how to manage their own mental health. As a school we promote healthy lifestyles and provide the children with lots of strategies to support their well-being.

    We know that well being and mental health doesn't just affect children, the adults (staff, parents and visitors) are equally affected by mental health. The school takes many steps to support adults within the school community and invest training, time and resources to enable all our community to have a successful learning experience.

    As a school we follow the DfE guidelines: 'Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges'. 

    It is the schools intention to ensure that everyone involved in the life of the school have the resources, support and sign posts to manage their well being and mental health. Where the school is unable to offer the specialised support we will work with colleagues and parents to get the best possible outcome.

    The children's well-being and readiness to learn is at the heart of what we do. Through our well planned curriculum the children have learning experiences that are well managed by our experienced staff. Alongside this specific curriculum opportunities take place through our PSCHE curriculum , visits and assemblies or workshops. In addition to this, specific staff run a bereavement counselling group to support children's well-being in relation to loss.

    If you wish to find out more please click on the relevant link at the top of our page.