At Weeke Primary School, our children are scientists! Our intention is to hook the children’s interest and provide them with a rich science curriculum, which enables them to confidently explore and discover their environment gaining a deeper understanding of the world they live in. We want children to love science and for them to remember their experience of it for life. Our inclusive ‘thinking, talking, doing’ approach ensures that all children are involved in active, practical, hands on experiences that encourages curiosity and critical thinking. This mantra will promote a love and thirst for learning, helping every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary. We learn about a diverse range of influential scientists, past and present, to demonstrate that science is for everyone. There are enrichment opportunities including exciting school trips and visits by science specialists from our local community, inspiring the children of Weeke Primary School to become the astronauts, forensic scientists and microbiologists of tomorrow!
At Weeke Primary School we follow an approach in science that enables all our learners to build strong knowledge and skills in the subject. High quality teaching and learning is delivered to children through a cyclical approach for each discipline within science. This is illustrated below in our science ‘blueprint’:
Alongside our blueprint of implementation, a robust and clear progression within the curriculum is mapped out. This enables our children to build on prior knowledge and language related to the subject as well as covering progression within all national curriculum areas.
The effective planning and teaching of Science by our staff, which is in line with our progression (incorporating all of the strands of the National Curriculum) allows us to ensure that our children have access to an up to date, challenging curriculum. A curriculum that meets the needs of our students in order for them to make good progress. Our streamed progression will enable teachers to complete meticulous assessments, track progress and plan from it as part of our commitment to inspire all children to develop their scientific skills. Our effective teaching of Science will impact on the students in the following ways:
A proportion of our children in Year 6 go on to our local secondary school - Henry Beaufort. We work closely with our secondary schools to support the best possible transition not only for the whole children but to ensure their successful curriculum journey continues. This includes curriculum opportunties where we visit the school or we have specialist teachers come to teach our children key knowledge, skills and understanding.
To gain a further understanding of the next step in our children's learning journey please visit Henry Beauforts curriculum pages. Here you will see how the Primary curriculum at Weeke enables the children to continue to make progress in given subjects.