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  • SEND

    Getting in Touch

    If you have any questions about our SEND provision, or would like to find out more, please contact Rebecca Jakes, Assistant Headteacher by email, or 01962 882710.

    SEND at Weeke

    Weeke Primary School is a caring and inclusive school where all children have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.  We aim to ensure that the needs of all children are met so that they are able to achieve highly, from their individual starting points. We believe that all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) should be able to flourish and thrive in a nurturing environment where they are taught the necessary strategies, skills and knowledge to succeed.

    How will you know if my child needs extra support and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

    Pupils at Weeke are identified as having SEND in a variety of ways and this is usually prompted by:

    • Concerns raised by parents or carers
    • Children attaining significantly below their age group
    • Concerns raised by teachers
    • Information from external agencies (e.g. educational psychologist/speech and language therapist)

    We may also use additional assessments to identify a child’s particular needs. If we think your child may have a special educational need, the SENDCO will contact you to discuss this with you in detail.

    If you are concerned that your child may have SEND, it is important that you discuss this with their class teacher who will then liaise with SENDCO (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator).

    What happens if my child is identified as having SEND?

    If a pupil is identified as having SEND, we will provide support that is additional to, or different from, the approaches provided as part of high quality class teaching. This is through a cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’.

    The majority of support takes place in the classroom, provided through targeted quality teaching and task differentiation.  In addition to this, children identified with special educational needs may receive extra support through either small group intervention or 1:1 adult support, as appropriate to the child’s needs. 

    We evaluate Interventions regularly and feedback is given to parents and carers about how well the child is doing. Details of the kinds of interventions we offer in school are available on our SEND Information Report.

    Support for parents 

    The whole process of seeking further support for your child and ensuring they get the best possible education can be extremely time consuming, challenging and frustrating. We want to work with you to build a positive experience for your child. Some children with SEND are able to access additional resources and support, at times this can be difficult and the school will work with you to guide and assist. 

    If you feel that your child is not getting the level of support they need - come and speak to us. If we are unable to support within the constraints of our resources and facilities, we may be able to sign post and guide you to organisations that will help where you need to raise concerns or complain to the local authority.

    Below is some further information to help you navigate the challenges that may come with supporting your child:

    How will school staff support my child?

    Once we have identified the needs of a child with SEN, the SENDCO will liaise with the class teacher and learning support staff to agree what support needs to be put in place. Sometimes this is through adaptations in class, for example giving extra visual support or resources to support learning. For children who need more intensive support, an appropriate intervention will be planned and delivered with them.

    How will both you and I know how well my child is doing?

    Pupils who have had interventions are carefully assessed at the start and end of each period of intervention and the progress they have made is measured.

    What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

    We recognise that children sometimes have additional emotional and social needs and that we need to support them to become more resilient, able to express themselves and use a range of strategies to face the challenges of everyday life.

    We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) in school, who works either 1:1 or with small groups of children to:

    • Develop coping strategies and talk about difficulties
    • Interact more successfully with others
    • Develop greater self-awareness manage school better and feel better about themselves
    • Pupils with an ELSA feel they have been listened to and supported

    For more information about support with your child’s well-being and mental health, please see our School Wellbeing Offer.

    How will the school prepare my child with a SEND to join their next setting?

    The school has carefully planned transition programmes in place for pupils with SEND at the start of their time in EYFS and at the end of Key Stages 2.

    Before a child starts in EYFS, staff and the SENDCO meet with playgroups and pre-schools to discuss pupils’ individual needs. Year 6 staff and the SENDCO meet with secondary staff to plan transition arrangements for pupils who need additional support when moving to Year 7. A special meeting called a Transition Partnership Agreement is arranged for pupils with complex needs.

    We also provide support for pupils as they move to different year groups each year. This may include additional visits to their new classroom, time with new staff team members, transition booklets and parent and child meetings with existing and new teaching staff.

    Admissions of children with a disability

    We work closely with the governing body and Hampshire to provide a learning environment and provision that supports the needs of all children. Please refer to our admission policy and accessibility plan to understand more about your child attending Weeke Primary School.

    What is a Hampshire Local Offer?

    This information is provided as part of Hampshire’s Local Offer.  Under the Children and Families Act 2014 local authorities are required to publish and keep under review information about services that they expect to be available for children and young children with disabilities and special educational needs aged 0-25.  The intention of the local offer is to improve choice and transparency for families.   Follow this link to access Hampshire’s Local Offer:

    • Hampshire Local Offer Services and information for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities

    SEND Information Report 2023-24