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  • School Council

    A school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - Respect for views of the child.

    A new school council is voted in at Weeke Primary School during October each year. Every class, from year 1 to year 6, put forward a representative. This year’s school councillors will be announced on the school website soon. 

    Our fantastic school councillors listen to the views of their peers and communicate them to the school leadership team. They provide an important voice for all the children of Weeke Primary School. 

    School staff consult with them whenever we are considering change in the school. They also often meet and talk to our school visitors and are considered representatives of the school. 

    In the last couple of years, our school council have organised fundraising events for various charities; campaigned for metal cutlery to be used when eating in class; chosen new playtime equipment to enhance the play boxes; taken part in food tasting and consultation with HC3S (our school dinners company) to agree on changes to the school dinners menu; appeared on local radio; and interviewed various new members of staff, sharing their views with the senior leadership team. 

    School Council Voting

    School Council Actions

    School Council Job Description