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  • School Day and Term Dates

    The total number of hours spent in school for our children is 33 hours and 20 minutes.

    We have a repsonsibility to esnure children are in school being educated for 32.5+ hours a week.

    School Day & Timings

    The school day is carefully planned to  ensure the national curriculum and Early Year curriculum are covered sufficiently. Alongside this we plan the school day for the children enabling them to have unstructed break and lunch times to support children health and well being. Each year group has an individual timetable which maps out the daily routines.

    Below are the timings for the school day for the whole school.

    Whole Day

    • 8:40-8:50 - Children arrive at school and make their way to their classrooms, greeted by a member of staff.
    • 8:50-9:00 - The morning register is taken in class using an electronic system
    • 9:00-15:30 - Curriculum time. Children are in class or areas within the school being taught 


    To ensure the children have positive breaks we timetable our breaks as staggered breaks within the morning.

    • EYFS - Due to the structure of the curriculum Early Years do not have defined breaks
    • Year 1 & 2 - Take a break between 10:20-10:35
    • Year 3-6    - Take a break between 10:40-10:55

    Afternoon breaks take place to the discretion of the class teacher, considering children's focus, energy levels and well-being.

    Hampshire Term Dates 2023-2024 (Copy can also be picked up from Reception or click on link below)

    Hampshire term dates 2024-2025