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    Our Achievements 2024

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    A short video slide of our school achievements.

    Statutory Assessment in Primary

    Within an academic year the school completes a series of assessments that help to inform us as to how our children are learning and celebrate the achievements they make against the national curriculum. To help you to understand our annual outcomes we have produced a report below outlining the core curriculum outcomes.

    To support you with this please use the key provided:


    GLD - Good level of Development. This is the measure for end of Early Years. Children either achieve emerging or expected.

    RWM - This is a combined outcome measuring children's achievements in Reading, Writing and Maths.

    SATs - Statutory Assessment Tests

    GPS - Grammar, punctuation and spelling

    EXS - Expected outcome for pupil at the key stage

    GDS - Greater Depth - the child has exceeded key stage outcomes

    Early Years Foundation Stage - End of Year Data

    Throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are assessed against the ‘Early Learning Goals’ as a continuation from on-going assessments in pre-school. Below is the information for 2024 compared against national and Hampshire.

    Phonics Screening

    National screening takes place in Year 1 and assess the children knowledge and understanding of phonics.

    Any child who has not met the standard is routinely supported and then reassessed in Year 2.

    Key Stage 2 - Multiplication Check

    Children in Year 4 are assessed online using a national multiplication check. This is an indication of their mental arithmetic attainment. It also supports the school in enabling those children who need further multiplication practice to have this in their learning provision.

    Key Stage 2 - Year 6 SATs

    In May, all year 6 pupils complete end of Key Stage 2 tests. The results of these test are used to measure the individual progress a pupil has made in their time at primary school. Children are assessed in maths, reading and grammar and punctuation & spelling. Writing is assessed using teacher assessment of pupils’ writing over a number of pieces of work, measured against a list of statements. We also teacher assess Science against the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum. The table below shows the percentage of children achieving the expected standard and the percentage achieving a ‘high’ level of attainment. A pupil awarded a scaled score of 100 or more has met the expected standard in each test.

    Below is the most recent end of Key Stage 2 tests, which took place in 2024.


    Children are assessed at the end of the key stage with a Reading comprehension paper. This gives an outcome which is represented below as the percentage of children who achieved the standard or higher and an average scaled score for that cohort.


    In writing children are assessed throughout the key stage through teacher assessment alongside both internal and external moderating. Writing does not have a scaled score.


    In Maths the children complete three assessment papers which cover mental arithmetic, fluency in maths and reasoning. 

    Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS)

    As part of the end of key stage assessment for pupils in Year 6 theyv complete two papers, one is a spelling assessment and the other a grammar and punctuation assessment.


    A combined outcome is calculated from the Maths and English assessments alongside the writing teacher assessment.


    At the end of Key Stage 2 teachers also assess the pupils knowledge, understanding and skills in Science. Our outcomes in 2024 were - 77% of children meeting or exceeding expectation.

    Comparing Schools in our area

    Choosing a school for your child can sometimes be challenging. At Weeke we want the best for your child and outcomes are a positive indication of this. The most up-to-date data can be found on the DfE website. Please also see the comparison graphic below.

    If you wish to find out more about KS2 SATs please visit: