If you wish to enrol your child into the school and they are not of an Early Years age (4-5), then use the link below. The school uses Hampshire County Council Admission services.
As a parent making the right choice for your child's education is key, alongside this ensuring that the whole school experience is a positive one for them. At Weeke, our inclusive, caring and high expectations approach means children settle well into the school and their learning journey.
If you are interested in your child attending Weeke, in the first instance get in touch with the school office to arrange a time to look around the school. This can also be arranged with or without your child. We will work closely with you and offer tours throughout the school day and up until 6pm to support working families.
Once you have decided joining our school is the best option for them, use Hampshire Admission website to register your interest. As soon as the school receives the information they will be in touch to discuss more about starting at our school.
Finally, when a place has been offered the school office will contact you to arrange paperwork and start date. Our office will work closely with you to ensure your child is ready for school.
The process below will help you to understand how we support you and your child in their first few weeks at school.
The school uses; email, telephone, face to face and Arbor to communicate with parents and carers. We are an open door school which means we will find the time to talk to you during or after school time.
After they have settled, within the academic year we have two parents consultations and an end of year written report.
There are a range of ways to find out more about your child's learning including: