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Pupils & Children

Our pupils Safeguarding page is designed to support children to know and understand about keeping themselves and others safe. It offers a range of resources and sites that you can visit along with reminders about who you can speak to if you are feeling worried or unsafe.

I am worried or feel unsafe?

Feeling unsafe and needing help can be difficult, especially if that feeling or experience is about someone you know. Remember there is always support there for you. As well as the links on this page we have provided a couple of extra links that may help.

Always someone to Listen

Who is in School to help?

Sometimes we have worries, concerns or things that are said and done that make us feel unhappy or unsafe. Every adult in school is always here to listen. You may also rather speak to a trusted adult outside of school. Whoever, you talk to we will listen and do what is right to keep you safe.

We also have key members of staff who can pass information on to other people that are trained and qualified to help. The staff in school that may need to do this are called our DSL's or Designated Safeguarding Leads. They are Mrs Goodchild, Mrs Jakes, Mrs Watson and Mr Kirkham. 

Because we care so much about your welfare and safety we talk regularly and confidentially about the things we can do in school to help you feel safe.

How can I learn to keep myself safe?

Keeping yourself safe is really important and as a school we do lots of things to remind you of this. These include assemblies, lessons in class, monitor jobs other children have, online safety lessons, Junior Road Safety and much much more.

However, sometimes if you are not in school and are worried or feel unsafe you can go online and find some really helpful tips, games and activities. Below we have put together some of these to help.

  • Road Safety GameKeeping yourself and others safe when near roads
  • First AidA good site to do with your parents or a trusted adult
  • Fire SafetyA set of puzzle and games around fire safety

Online Safety

Staying safe online is not always easy and we want to being playing and using the most up-to-date apps and games. The most important thing to remember is to talk about what you are doing or playing online. If you are worried your parents, staff and trusted adults can help.

You can also use these sites to help:

What if I make a mistake online?

When we go online or use devices and apps we can sometimes make decisions that may make us feel uncomfortable or even unsafe. If this happens, remember trusted adults are there to help. Below are some useful links for you if you need to talk to someone or report something. The adults in school are also there to help you.